Thursday, March 16, 2023

Controversial proposal to hire research firm to help revise Yorba Linda housing plan dropped from City Council agenda


A controversial proposal to hire a research firm to help revise Yorba Linda's housing plan in an effort to gain voter approval for sufficient rezoning to meet a state mandate to provide opportunities for 2,415 housing units was dropped from a recent City Council agenda.

A previous plan to meet the state's requirement failed in November 2022 balloting by a wide margin, with 21,937 voters opposed and 7,221 in favor on Measure Z. The city aims to pre-sent a revised plan to voters in the March 2024 primary or November 2024 general election.

The city's current housing plan – or “housing element” in bureaucratic jargon – is now state-certified, but certification might be withdrawn, if voters again turn down a rezoning measure. Lack of certification could result in a loss of local control for zoning and building.

The dropped agenda item proposed hiring Los Angeles-based FM3 Research Associates to provide “public opinion research assistance related to the 2021-2029 General Plan Housing Element.” It was on a “consent calendar,” consisting of nine items bundled for a single vote.

FM3 was cited for guiding Costa Mesa on a 2022 ballot measure that resulted in a favorable vote for a rezoning plan, which passed on a slim 22-vote margin, 16,483 yes and 16,461 no.

In 2016, Costa Mesa voters approved an ordinance similar to Yorba Linda's Measure B, which since 2006 has required a public vote on major changes to city zoning documents. The Costa Mesa vote was 26,132 in favor and 12,081 opposed.

The 2022 Costa Mesa rezoning measure carried the lengthy ballot title “Ordinance to Revitalize Commercial and Industrial Areas and Protect Residential Neighborhoods.”

Interestingly, FM3's 15-page proposal presented to Yorba Linda stated the firm helped Costa Mesa “draft the final 75-word title and ballot summary in a way that was palatable to voters....”

The FM3 plan had called for two 10-person focus groups to probe participants' “thoughts and opinions about a rezoning measure that would enable the development of affordable housing” and “reasons why people may have not voted to pass” Measure Z.

A survey would involve 400 participants to gauge support for a land-use measure, evaluate “informational messages that could help voters understand the value of the ballot measure” and test “vulnerability to common opposition themes.”

A follow-up survey would test an updated version of a 75-word ballot measure title and summary, evaluate impacts of city outreach efforts and check any potential changes in voter opinions and attitudes toward the city and/or tolerance of a potential ballot measure.

In a report to council, Community Development Director Dave Brantley said FM3 would “gather valuable community input to guide the next steps in the city's housing element process,” noting “a deeper understanding of the community's concerns is important to any effort to revise the housing plan in a meaningful way.”