Thursday, September 03, 2020

Nobody challenged City Council incumbents in Yorba Linda, so election was cancelled; water board candidates on ballot for Nov. 3 election


While many Yorba Linda residents see the posting of roadway campaign signs each election year as an example of a vibrant democracy, others decry the clutter created by the placards, particularly those violating the city's temporary sign ordinance regarding size and placement.

The latter group might have less to complain about this year, since campaigning for several elective offices won't be necessary. Three City Council and three water board positions aren't on the Nov. 3 ballot because the contests drew only six candidates to fill the six open slots.

This is the first of the city's 29 council elections since 1967 to be canceled, with incumbents Tara Campbell, Beth Haney and Gene Hernandez appointed by the council to new terms that begin in December. The city will save about $70,000 in expenses due to the cancellation.

The high cost of recent campaigns might be one reason the council incumbents didn't draw opponents this year. For the 2018 contest, second-place finisher Carlos Rodriguez raised a city record $102,722 in cash, in-kind services and loans and won his seat with 16,120 votes.

Campbell, Haney and Hernandez had substantial amounts in their election accounts as of June 30: $32,452, $19,365 and $22,672, respectively, after they had already spent $4,767, $5,673 and $5,424, respectively, on campaign-related expenses since Jan. 1.

That money can remain banked for future campaigns (Campbell and Haney can seek third terms in 2024) or used to pay off loans to their campaigns (Campbell loaned herself $5,000 in 2016, and Haney loaned herself $37,670 from her Luxe Aesthetic and Wellness Center business in 2016-17).

Hernandez isn't eligible to run for council again, due to the city's three-term limit law. He doesn't have any outstanding loans, but he could run for other offices, donate to charity, donate to other campaigns or make refunds to his contributors.

The only candidates to file for two director positions at the Yorba Linda Water District were incumbent J. Wayne Miller and first-time candidate Trudi DesRoches. Previously, eight of the district's 30 scheduled elections since 1958 had been canceled.

Miller was first elected in 2016. Incumbent Andrew Hall didn't file for a second term. DesRoches is a manager with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Nobody petitioned to keep the contest on the ballot, so the pair will be appointed by the Board of Supervisors to terms that begin in December. Also appointed to a new term will be Buena Park's Roger Yoh to represent Buena Park, La Palma, Placentia and Yorba Linda at the Orange County Water District.

Incumbent Yorba Linda director Al Nederhood is seeking the two years left on Brett Barbre's term at the county Municipal Water District, after Barbre resigned to be general manager at the Yorba Linda district.

His opponents are Buena Park Mayor Fred Smith and Brea's S & S Home Loans owner-broker Scott Hupp.