Thursday, September 26, 2019

Yorba Linda lists planning factors that might impact method of assigning state housing needs

Yorba Linda is one of 104 southern California jurisdictions to complete a survey of planning factors that will influence developing a methodology for assigning housing targets in the six-county area for the period starting June 30, 2021, and extending to Oct. 15, 2029.

Significantly, Yorba Linda's responses to the survey were more detailed than many of those provided by other jurisdictions, with the city's answers outlining several specific factors that apply to planning for current and future housing needs within the city's 20-square-mile area.

The survey was conducted by the Southern California Association of Governments, or SCAG, which is responsible for assigning housing needs numbers for each of the 197 jurisdictions in the panel's designated six-county territory.

SCAG has determined that a minimum of 1,344,740 total units among four income categories – very-low, low, moderate and above-moderate – will be required to meet the region's housing needs for the 2021-2029 period.

And SCAG is in the process of developing a methodology to assign the actual numbers to cities, with a draft proposal to be announced in February and final plan revealed in August.

Among planning factors identified for Yorba Linda:

--”The majority of land suitable for urban development (within city limits) has already been developed, and the city is nearing build-out conditions.” Some 15 vacant properties with less than 10 acres remain in the city “that have not been developed, entitled or are in the process of entitlement.”

The majority of these properties are undeveloped single-family parcels averaging about one-half acre in size. The only remaining large vacant property is a 26-acre parcel restricted by a development agreement for public use purposes.

--The city has the county's highest concentration of septic systems – nearly 30% of the county total. “Converting from septic to sewer is a significant cost that often prevents property owners
from subdividing, redeveloping or adding (accessory dwelling units) onto their properties.”

--Chino Hills State Park and Featherly Regional Park take up about 1,500 acres and 600 acres of open space within city limits, respectively, with state or county action needed “to unenroll this dedicated parkland from its restricted use.”

--The city “has significantly more housing units than jobs” – more than 23,000 housing units and approximately 17,400 jobs. “It is important to note that the city does not have any major job centers.”

--Since the city “has extremely limited public transit opportunities, the addition of more housing units (especially affordable housing units)” would likely increase vehicle miles traveled, potentially conflicting with other state regulations.

--The city has 330 acres of oil production, restricted by a state agency, with remediation possibly cost prohibitive. Also, many properties have slopes with a 15% or more grade, restricting development.