Thursday, April 28, 2011

Republican reps, contamination and fireworks

Two elected officials who represent Yorba Linda’s 25,035 registered Republican voters have garnered a great deal of press attention lately, including remarks--some reasonable and thoughtful--on local, regional and national blogs.

Marilyn Davenport and Deborah Pauly started their third two-year terms on the 73-member Orange County Republican Central Committee in January, with Davenport representing the city’s westside and Pauley the city’s eastside GOP.

Yorba Linda is nearly evenly split between two state Assembly Districts, the 60th in the east and the 72nd on the west. Republican voters in each of the county’s nine Assembly Districts elect six representatives to the committee to oversee county GOP affairs.

Davenport, of course, gained notice by an e-mail with President Obama’s picture in place of a chimpanzee’s face, while Pauly’s speech at a Feb. 13 Community Center protest rally drew praise and criticism, including from dozens of speakers at City Council meetings.

Coincidently, Davenport and Pauley were first elected in 2006 and re-elected in 2008 and 2010. Last year, Davenport placed fifth of nine candidates with 13,453 votes, 1,875 from Yorba Linda, and Pauley placed third of nine with 9,041 votes, 1,797 from Yorba Linda.

Obviously, not all Yorba Lindans vote in these end-of-the-ballot races. Fourth-term City Councilman Mark Schwing, elected to the committee a decade ago, lost his seat in 2010, posting 7,180 votes, 2,037 from Yorba Linda.

Fortunately, other city concerns merit positive comments:

--Monitoring of underground contamination at a Main Street parking lot, site of each Saturday’s Farmers Market, “is in its final phase and should be completed within the year,” noted a report from Housing and Redevelopment Manager Pam Stoker.

Seven wells are used for soil and groundwater assessments at the site of a former Union 76 gas station the city acquired in 2002 with costs covered by ConocoPhillips Company. Only “limited low level concentration” of hydrocarbons was reported in October 2010.

Cleanup at an old Imperial Highway gas station site west of the library will continue for several years at an estimated city-paid cost of more than $2 million.

--City-sponsored fundraising to help pay costs for the July 4 fireworks show is off to a good start. More than $1,000 was donated through last month, and additional funds are expected as registrations are received for the city’s summer recreation programs.

And longtime resident and water board director Ric Collette, an executive with Republic Industries, the city’s trash contractor, announced a $5,000 donation from the company to support the city’s most-watched event each year since 1989.

Total cost is estimated at $50,800, based on 2010 expenses, noted a report by Supervisor Rob Cavanaugh. The 15-minute fireworks display price is $21,500, the same as last year.

Proceeds from the lease of the pumpkin patch and Christmas tree lot at Imperial Highway and Yorba Linda Boulevard ($15,000 yearly) and a new cell tower at Brush Canyon Park ($1,800 monthly) are earmarked for July 4 expenditures.

If fundraising for this event succeeds, the council might consider similar appeals to pay other expenses, such as the 13.4 percent increase in the council’s fringe benefit package approved 5-0 last year and loans to the Black Gold Golf Course, totaling $4.7 million—the possibilities are endless.