Thursday, September 03, 2009

Responses to renaming idea are mixed

Responses to my call for comments on naming a city facility for 30-year City Council veteran Hank Wedaa were refreshingly civil, a sharp contrast to anonymous Web blogs by residents who label those with differing views “crazies,” “schmuck” and “whack job.”

Wedaa’s eight-term council tenure was at times controversial, but the pro and con responses were thoughtfully stated, with no name-calling and only one not signed.

Three weeks ago, I requested reader reaction to a suggestion by Councilwoman Jan Horton to name the Community Center for Wedaa, as one way to honor his service.

Tony D’Amico, Claudine Lynch and Bill Rolling politely questioned Horton’s interest, since she opposed Wedaa’s appointment to a vacant council seat he later won in a 2007 special election that cost the city $140,000 for 8,362 ballots cast.

Rolling and Lee Day noted Wedaa’s name on dedication plaques around town, including at the library, City Hall and Community Center. “That’s enough, for now,” Day offered.

But Chuck Rosen suggested, “While people may disagree with his style of local politics, he has been a mainstay… . It’s time we rise above politics and salute accomplishments.”

Mark Abramowitz, Jay Bradley, Linda and Jack Horn and Pat Tormey favored recognizing Wedaa now. “We have always believed people should be honored when they are alive…and know how much they have been appreciated,” the Horns stated.

Tom Croom demurred: “I thought…we put term limits in place…because of Hank Wedaa I am strongly opposed to spending any time and money to honor any public official when they are…degrading our fine city in the name of budgeting and cost savings.”

James Prather noted Wedaa’s World War II service as a B-24 bombardier as well as his civic work: “The love he has for the city and the country is in his very fabric and soul.”

Shelby Ville stated, “In Yorba Linda, ‘community’ means doing what Mr. Wedaa did his entire life—pitch in”; Christine Norris called rededicating the center “a great idea”; Tom Madracki said, “I agree”; and Sue Fenwick responded, “Yes, absolutely.”

But Delores Van Auken, who noted she respects Wedaa and campaigned for him, explained, “I definitely do not want the name of the Community Center changed.”

Janet Paxton, whose late husband Phil’s name was added to the Buena Vista Avenue equestrian facility last year, commented, “I can’t think of a more deserving person.”

Planning Commission chair Abramowitz said, “No one has ever or will ever do for this city what Hank has done…. Hank is the Lou Gehrig or Joe DiMaggio of Yorba Linda.”