Thursday, December 23, 2004

What's on Yorba Linda's Christmas list?

Some leading citizens who live or work in Yorba Linda gave Santa an earful when the jolly old gent asked their advice about a gift for the community this year:

Mayor Keri Wilson--A gift of compassion for those who are suffering financially, emotionally, physically or spiritually. Let's all keep each other in our hearts.

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District Superintendent Dennis Smith--A brand-spanking new Yorba Linda high school in 2008 courtesy of Santa and his hardworking school trustees and community leaders.

Former seven-term Councilman Hank Wedaa--A tolerant City Council that not only listens to residents but also hears their concerns.

School trustee Karin Freeman--A downtown museum--so everybody who visits or lives here can learn all about how it was to live in this area during the past century and before.

Water District General Manager Mike Payne--Tell the state to solve its own financial problems and not pass its woes to our community. And let it snow, let it snow, let it snow in the Rockies and Sierras (for next year's water supply).

Traffic Commission Chairman Larry Larsen--A little coal in the stockings of drivers who ignore safety and speed near school zones. A big candy cane to all who express courtesy and the spirit of Christmas through their driving behavior.

Historian and preservation leader Art Hansen--A deep, authentic and abiding sense of place and history that could be used as a touchstone to inform all decisions for change by our City Council and our townspeople.

Yorba Linda Water District Director Ric Collett--A special gift to the city's Community Foundation that could be used to support youth, arts and other non-profit organizations in the town.

Arts Alliance Founder Gabriella Rollins--On behalf of all artists and performing groups in the city--a facility with state-of-the-art 750- and 99-seat theaters; choir and orchestra rooms; and reception, art gallery and outside areas. But we'd be happy with three to four acres so we can get started on the project.

School trustee Jan Wagner--Give every child a half-hour each day for Mom or Dad to read from a favorite book; and to every teen a half-hour each day for Mom or Dad to listen and talk about whatever is important.

Former Esperanza High principal George Allen--Less traffic, an additive in drinking water to help us always golf in the mid-70s and a Nordstrom’s in town (for wife Lyn).

Historical Conservancy President Ed Rakochy--It’s very clear from the recent city survey--a public high school and a cultural arts center.

Municipal Water District President Brett Barbre--What every Orange County city wants this year--the Yorba Linda Angels.

Interfaith Council Co-chair Sue Fenwick--Help us get approval from the City Council to rename one of our parks to "Veterans Park," and inspire residents and businesses to contribute to a memorial to be later placed in the park honoring veterans.

School district public information officer Rosemary Gladden--Many joyful days with family, friends and neighbors.

The Fry real estate team--A gorgeous Yorba Linda/Placentia YMCA facility to accommodate programs for the newest infants to active seniors (Mary), a revitalized downtown with great restaurant at Yorba Linda Boulevard/Imperial Highway (Michael) and a Mickey Mouse “Twice a Christmas” soundtrack and Orlando Bloom t-shirt for each child (son Taylor).

Community sports writer Lou Ponsi--Success for high school and youth athletic teams.

Pacific Jazz Choir director Glenn Wanke--Drop all projects planned for Old Towne--preservation of our city’s heart and soul is quite a gift--and a performing arts center with theater, rehearsal rooms and art gallery.

Community activist Pat Nelson--A cultural arts center with facilities for music, art, dance and theater--a reason for folks to come to the downtown area.

Past council and county water board candidate Robert Potter--Snow on Christmas Day.

El Camino Real High School principal Glen Collard--Special gifts to all who helped relocate Mable Paine School after it flooded, new physical education fields at El Camino and continued progress in establishing a Yorba Linda high school.

Equestrian leader and columnist Mary Carbone--All horse property in Yorba Linda would be horse property; every child who dreamed of a Christmas pony would find one under the tree; a hitching post at church, post office, grocery, bank and favorite eating establishments; and a once-a-month community ride, with barbeque and barn dance on Main Street.